The news that Norwich City which has a population around 40000 became first one to declare April 14th as National Sikh Day has spread like fire is a big recognition in the country like USA where the hate crimes have suddenly increased after new president elect Donald trump has taken chair. This recognition can certainly bring awareness among the masses and general public.
Norwich City in Connecticut which became first one to declared April 14th as National Sikh Day.
Vaisakhi for Sikhs which is celebrated all over the world on April 14th according to Mool Nanakshai Calender has been recognized by City of Norwich,Connecticut USA as “National Sikh Day”.Vaisakhi also know as Khalsa Sirjana Diwas ,a day on which Sikh identity was made and Articles of faith (5 kakkkars) came to existence.
Swaranjit Singh Khalsa Active member of East Coast Sikh Coordination Committee & Member Commission of City Plan along with Other leaders of Community played important role in preparing this Proclamation.Swaranjit Singh Khalsa said “This recognition (Proclamation) will not only open door ways for other Cities to declare but it is also a foundation stone to declare April 14th as National Sikh Day at National Level”.
Deb Hinchey Mayor of Norwich and Peter Nystrom Former Mayor and present City Council members presented Sikh Community the proclamation. Other City Council Members also supported the Proclamation and stood in solidarity with Sikh Community.
Sikh Community of American thanked both Deb Hinchey and Peter Nystrom for accepting their request and declaring this Holy day as National Sikh Day.On this occasion Sikh Leaders from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut were present in large numbers.
Himmat Singh Coordinator of East Coast Coordination Committee and representatives of Sikhs for Justice human rights group also came Specially to participate in the event.Guruninder Singh Dhaliwal, Kanwalpreet Singh Atwal, Kulwant Singh Samra from Southington Gurudwara Sahib, Bhai Mohinder Singh from Windsor Gurudwara Sahib,Manmohan Singh Bharara, Kuljit Singh,
Sikh Sewak Society International is Also running Vaisakhi Campaign this year in Norwich in which educational Billboards and Bus shelter signs will be installed in City to create awareness among people about Sikhism.Also on April 8th 2017 this year East Coast Coordination Committee is organizing National Sikh Day Parade in Washington D.C to raise the issues of hate Crime at National level.